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Desktop Clock

Chess Clock


Our chessclock has more than just two timers with custom times. The game can be paused, and you can choose from four different increment settings. You can also customize sounds to play when you switch, when you're low on time, and when the time runs out. Check out our list of keyboard shortcuts for switching turns and pausing too.

Change Starting Time and Increment

Open settings and go to "Time control". You can change the starting minutes and seconds, as well as the increment method. There are also quick buttons for common increment methods you can click. If you have a long starting time and wake lock is off, you may get a message suggesting turning wake lock on, because otherwise, your device may automatically dim the screen during your game.

What are Fischer and Bronstein Increment Methods in Chess?

Fischer increment adds an increment time after each move. Bronstein also adds the increment time after each move, but can never bring the player's time higher than the time they began the move with. For example, if you have a 5 second increment and take 3 seconds to move, under Fischer increment, you would get 5 seconds, so you would end the move with 2 more seconds than you started with. Under Bonstein increment, you would only get 3 seconds, since your time cannot go above what it was when your turn started.

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use the spacebar to switch turns. Space will unpause the game if it is paused. Escape will pause or unpause the game. The left player can hit the 1 or 2 key and the right player can hit the 9 or 0 key to change turns.

Flip Time Text

Open settings and go to "Display". You can choose to flip the number for one of the players. This way, if you are sitting opposite each other and both want to read the time upright, you can.