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Desktop Clock



Desktop Clock is a completely customizable clock website and app. You can customize the date and time formats, display an analog clock, show your battery percentage, and cusotmize the font size and colors. It can be installed offline for free and without ads on any computer or phone.

Changing to Analog and Digital

Click the '1' button on the top left, or hit the 'P' key to toggle the primary display. You can also go to Settings > Clock > Displays.

Changing the Secondary Display

Click the '2' button on the top left, or hit the 'D' key to toggle the secondary display. You can also go to Settings > Clock > Displays.


Click the fullscreen button on the top right or hit the 'F' key to toggle fullscreen. Desktop Clock will automatically hide the title bar. Move your mouse to bring back the title bar.

Show Battery

Hit the 'B' key or go to Settings > Clock > Displays and toggle "Show battery".

Custom Time and Date Format

Go to Settings > Clock > Digital Datetime. You can select one of the preset time and date formats, or make your own.

Custom Analog Clock Theme

If your primary display is the analog clock, you can go to Settings > Analog and select an existing theme or make a new theme. You can customize the clock face color and shape, the pin, numerals, ticks, and hands. Enter a name and click "Save theme" to save it. You can always change themes back, make new themes, and delete themes. You can hover an existing theme to copy a link to it to share with others or download it, and you can upload the theme above your list of themes.