Desktop Clock



The timestamp app is split into multiple sections. Scroll to view all sections, or change the display in settings to tabs to view one section at a time instead.


Timestamps are always measured in GMT (0 UTC offset), so there is no ambiguity. However, if you enter a date and time or want to display a timestamp as date and time, you will want to pick a timezone. You can choose if the date and time you entered is in GMT or your local time to ensure you get the correct values.

Use Today's Date

There are buttons in each section to use the current date. Click them and they will set their section to the current date and time. They will be accurate to the timezone you selected.

Convert Timestamp or Date

This section allows you to select a timestamp or a date and time, and both convert it and view information about it. To enter a timestamp, select the first tab, and then select milliseconds or seconds. To enter a date and time, select the second tab. You can choose the input type that is easiest for you: date and time inputs, date text, or individual numbers for year, month, and so on. The timestamp information below will automatically update and display timestamps, local time and GMT time, the time relative to now, and the time in specific tiem format specifications such as ISO 8601.

Current Unix Timestamp

This section will display the current timestamp, which automatically updates every second. The timestamp will be displayed in seconds, milliseconds, hex (seconds), and the local and UTC times will be displayed as well. There are copy buttons you can use to easily copy a timestamp.

Time Difference

This section allows you to enter a timestamp or date and time on one side and a timestamp or date and time on another side, and see the difference between them. You can see the difference in days, as well as milliseconds and seconds, as well as which time is ahead of the other. You can also use buttons to quickly enter the current date and time.

Day, Month, Year Start/End

This section allows you to view epoch dates for the start and end of a specific year, month, or day. First, select either year, month, or day, and then select the specific time (and timezone) you want to use. You will see the first and last second of the entered year/month/day in both timestamps and in date and time text in GMT and your timezone.

Convert Sections to Other Units

This section allows you to enter a number of seconds (or other units) and convert it to other units such as years and days.

Days Per Year

Non-leap years have 365 days, but leap years have 366. Every 4 years is a leap year, but not every 100 except every 400. This is why There are 365.2425 days per year in the Gregorian calendar. In an astrological year, there are 365.2422 days, however, this app uses 365.2425 since it is what our calendars use. This small difference accounts for an error of one day every 3333.3 years.

How Many Seconds In...

This section displays a simple table of how many seconds are in 1 hour, day, week, month, and year. As mentioned above, years have 365.2425 days. One month in this section is considered to be 1/12 of a year, which is 30.436875 days.

Timestamp Information

This section displays useful information on GMT, UTC, timestamps, and time standards.