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Desktop Clock

About App

App Specific Knowledge

All Available Apps

You can find a list of apps at You can choose which apps are displayed in the side navigation by clicking the pin icon on the top right. You can visit the app by clicking on the card. Each app has its own settings, which can be accessed by going to "Settings" in the side navigation, or by hitting the 'S' key. The app specific settings are in the leftmost tab, and the other tabs are for the entire website. For example on the stopwatch page, if you open settings, the leftmost tab is for stopwatch settings.

Changing Primary and Secondary Displays

Many apps allow you to change primary and secondary displays to customize how the user interface looks. You can go to the app specific settings and then "Displays" to change primary and secondary displays on apps that support different displays. You can also hit the 'P' key or click the '1' button to toggle the primary display, or hit the 'D' key or click the '2' button to toggle the secondary display.

Common Website Settings

Changing Colors

Go to Settings > Appearance > Aesthetics and then select the base and accent colors of your choice. These colors will be used everywhere in your Desktop Clock! You can click "Dark", hit the 'N' key, or click the sun/moon icon on any page to toggle night mode.

Customizing the User Interface

Go to Settings > Appearance > User Interface. You can choose which buttons to show on the title bar, choose if you want a smaller menu, if you always want the menu collapsed on larger screens, and if you'd like to hide the title bar when idle.


Go to Settings > General > Application and click the "Cast" button to begin Chromecasting. You can add the cast button to your title bar in Settings > Appearance > User Interface, by selecting "Show cast button".


You can enable or disable double click fullscreen and keyboard shortcuts by going to Settings > General > Shortcuts. You can also view a list of keyboard shortcuts there.

Changing Language, Datetime Locale, and Timezone

You can change language, datetime locale, and timezone inside Settings > General > Locale. These values cannot be changed if you have automatically detect turned on below. You can always reenable "automatically detect" to use your system default language, datetime locale, and timezone.