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Desktop Clock



Stopwatch has more than just start, stop, and lap functionality. It will keep running even if the tab or app closes, and you can have multiple stopwatches, name your stopwatches, and start multiple stopwatches at once.

Create, Start, Stop, and Delete Stopwatches

Create a new stopwatch by clicking the "New" button on the stopwatch page. You can create multiple stopwatches as well. Click the big circle to start and stop the stopwatch. Once you've clicked the circle and the pause or resume button is focused, you can hit the spacebar to pause and resume as well. Hover the stopwatch and click the x button to delete it.

How to Add and View Laps

Click "Lap" to start a new lap. You can click "Laps" to view your list of laps, with lap numbers, lap time, and total time. You can reverse the lap order in settings. You can also go to settings to enable showing the lap chart, which shows the lap times and total times on a simple line chart.

Fullscreen Stopwatch

Hover a stopwatch and click the fullscreen icon on the top right of the stopwatch to enter fullscreen stopwatch mode.

Simultaneous Start

Click the "Simultaneous Start" button in the stopwatch page. In the dialog, enter the number of stopwatches to start. These will all start at the same time, when you click the "Start" button below.

Customize Your Stopwatches

In stopwatch settings, you can change the display to always show hours, show a custom number of digits after seconds, and show a custom number of digits after seconds in the lap list. You can also enable namable stopwatches, to track different events or people, and enable a reset button for your stopwatches if you prefer.

Automatically Start New Stopwatches

Go to settings and click "Automatically start new stopwatches" so any time you create a new stopwatch, it will immediately start running.