Desktop Clock



Choose from hundreds of timezones, enter custom names for your timezones, and toggle how you display your worldclocks. You can also select a custom theme for your analog worldclocks and custom date and time formats for your digital worldclocks.

Changing Displays

You can choose between analog+digital, digital only, or none for your primary display, which displays your home timezone at the top. The primary display can be toggled with the 'P' key or by clicking the '1' button. You can select a secondary display of rows, compact rows, analog grid, or digital grid for your custom list of timezones.

Edit Individual Worldclock

You can hover over a worldclock to reveal a three dot menu. Click the three dots to move, edit, or delete the worldclock. You can edit the nickname and timezone.

Add a New Worldclock

In the bottom tray, click the "New" button and then enter the nickname and timezone and click "Create" on the bottom. The timezone nickname is the text displayed in the worldclock, and if left blank, it's just the timezone name. The timezone determines what time to display in the worldclock.

Delete All Worldclocks

Go to "Settings" > "Worldclock" and click "Delete worldclocks" at the bottom to delete all worldclocks. You can restore the original worldclocks by clicking "Reset worldclocks".

Convert Timezones

Click "Convert" in the bottom tray to open up a dialog box that allows you to convert timezones. You can enter the timezone to convert from, the time to convert, and the timezone to convert to, and the text will be displayed above. Note that this does not account for two timezones that follow daylight savings where one timezone has set the clocks forward or backward and the other has not.

Timetable View

Click "Timetable" in the bottom tray to open up a dialog box that shows you a timetable of all of your worldclocks in different times of day. On the left, you can see the hour difference between those timezones and your home timezone. You can see the timezone names, the current time in all timezones, and the time in those timezones when it's 9:00 and other times in your timezone. You can customize the values in the dropdown and they will be stored for next time. You can toggle whether or not you want to display AM/PM or 24-hour time with the toggle below. You can click "Reset" to reset the dropdown values and AM/PM setting. This view is very helpful for scheduling meetings and recurring times with people in different timezones.